You may be wondering how a Transparentist society and government would function. Often people would be lead to believe that Transparentism requires a totalitarian government, generally these people would also bring up 1984 by George Orwell. I would say the opposite of that, our ideal government would either be very small or nonexistent. In the case of the small government, it's purpose should be limited solely to protecting it's citizens from invaders, and would be completely transparent to it's citizens. Apart from that, all would be governed based on private property, the free market and the Non-Aggression Principle. If there was no government, it would essentially be the same, but to a larger extreme, where people are protected by private security rather than the government. I believe that in a Transparentist society the free market would thrive, as all companies would not hold any secrets. You may be asking how Transparentism would be enforced with no government. It would be enforced by the people, as in the ideal society everyone has these ideals. Obviously this is a long way from ever happening in an established country, but perhaps if like-minded individuals formed their own state it would be possible.
After stepping through the doorway, you find yourself in a desert. There is nothing around you save for leagues upon leagues of red sand. You turn around to find that the staircase has disappeared, leaving you no exit. You begin to wander and continue to do so for a long time. Finally you reach a door, nothing grand, just an average wooden door.
You attempt to open the door, but it won't budge. You notice a keyhole, but you haven't seen any keys. You begin to walk away.
Perhaps you will return with the key.
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