The Great Hall

Introduction to Transparentism

As you read this website, I'm sure there's a plethora of immediate questions that come to your mind. In this grand hall I seek to answer those very questions.

Who are you?

Who I am does not matter. You may never know.

What is this site/Transparentism about?

Transparentism is the concept that all (not quite all but we'll get to that), information should be public, freely available to all. This includes individual identity and behaviour, as well as the activities of governments/corporations.

Then why are you anonymous, doesn't that conflict with your belief?

A common question. I would be more than happy to reveal my identity, under the condition that you do too. What is the purpose of transparency if it only applies to some? With the current state of the world, I will keep my identity private since everyone else is.

If everything is metaphorically transparent, is there no privacy?

Mistake transparency not for the abolition of privacy. In order to explain this, I will introduce you to a core concept in Transparentism: Organic Privacy (OP) vs Artificial Privacy (AP). Organic Privacy is the type of privacy which occurs naturally, due to evolution. Included within OP is primarily concepts such as intimate or sexual activity, sleeping, excretion et cetera. On the other hand, AP includes things that are only private because it has been dictated so. For example: religious beliefs, treachery, government activity and so on.

I believe in abolishing Artificial Privacy, as it only works to push humanity down. However, Organic Privacy may stay, because it's purely natural and to me is considered a right. Somewhere between them lives a smaller subset, which includes things such as credit card information, personal phone numbers etc. While not being entirely natural, this privacy is required for an individual's own safety.

You enter the hall, and gaze in awe at your surroundings. The hall seems to stretch on further than your eyes can even see, who knows how far it goes. Beneath your feet is a tiled, black and white marble foor. Near the side walls are many a statue depicting the rise and fall of humanity. Great wars, the makings of peace and the inevitable destruction of all that is known. Above your head are paintings showing the creation of the universe, and the clashes between gods.

You keep walking forward, paying close attention to the statues and paintings. Eventually you reach the end, although how long it took you don't know. Hours, days, years, millenia. At the end is a spiral staircase, looking much less glamorous than the hall surrounding it. You step towards it, and begin to descend...

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Spiral Staircase